7 Techniques You Can Use to Help Your Child Unwind

7 Techniques You Can Use to Help Your Child Unwind

Help Your Child Unwind

Have you ever had a great day with your family only to find your child isn’t quite ready for the fun to be over when bedtime comes around? And you are! In fact, you are more prepared than they are! Simply put, sometimes the world is just too fun to let go, meaning that now that the younger family members are so wound up, you, as a parent, know it will be a long night.

What if you could help your child unwind after even the best or most exciting day so they could quickly fall asleep at a reasonable hour? Don’t you believe it? Then, try these techniques and see what happens. These practices with your child may be great for both of you.

Physical activity: Take a walk. A little exercise can go a long way toward unwinding. It will help them burn off a little energy in a controlled manner. The best part of walking, though, is that you get to unwind right along with them. You might be surprised to find out you need this downtime every bit as much as they do.

Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing. Encourage your child to take deep breaths, inhaling slowly and exhaling through the mouth. This can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote relaxation. Take a warm bath. A warm bath can help your child relax their muscles and ease tension. Add calming essential oils, such as lavender, to the water for an extra soothing effect. Soft music or ambient sounds designed for bedtime or relaxation might help them to unwind further.

Screen-free time: Limit your child’s screen time and encourage them to engage in activities such as reading or drawing. Your child might enjoy drawing or writing about their day as part of remembering it. Or if they’re not old enough to be this articulate or want to be creative, you can give them some clay or other art materials and let them create whatever they feel like.

Stretching or yoga: Gentle stretching or yoga poses can help your child release tension and calm their mind. Try simple poses like the downward-facing dog, child’s, or butterfly poses.

Mindful meditation: Encourage your child to focus on the present moment and let go of any worries or distractions. You can use guided meditation apps or have them focus on their breath for a few minutes.

Snuggle time: Spending some quiet time snuggling with your child can be comforting and relaxing for both of you. It can be a time to talk about the day, share stories, and connect emotionally.

Bedtime routine: Even if you’re going to bed later than usual, following your typical bedtime routine will help them wind down and slip into the idea that it’s time to go to bed. It’s vital to follow portions of this routine even if you’re late, as your child already has a strong connection with it, and you want to disturb this process of unwinding as little as possible.

Overall, finding what works best for your child and their individual needs is essential. Every child is unique, and what works for one child may not work for another. Experiment with different techniques and find what helps your child unwind and relax the most. Choose what they’re naturally inclined to do. Some kids process better through talk, others through physical activity. Learn what works best for your child and go from there.

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Lessons Learned from a Crisis

Lessons Learned from a Crisis

Lessons Learned from a Crisis

Have you found yourself and your family in a challenging situation that is difficult to cope with and is causing stress? It becomes even harder when there are no easy answers or apparent sources of support. 

It could be something totally out of the blue, like a death in the family, a fire in your house, or losing a job. It could also have some good parts, like winning the lottery or being asked to move for a better job. 

Anytime family structure or situations change, there can be challenges with stress. Getting married, having children, starting a new school year, and retiring seem like regular life events. Still, there are adjustments and rearrangements of roles and responsibilities. 

So, while a family crisis is naturally stressful, it is more easily dealt with when everyone has clarity about family values and consistently develops their virtues in a balanced way. Communicating openly and honestly with trust in each other’s support is also helpful in overcoming the immediate situation.

Also helpful is accepting the hardship, using your energy to meet the challenge, and figuring out your options to move forward. Don’t blame each other; be patient and manage your stress. There will always be something you can do to keep some areas of your life as normal as possible. Remain optimistic, acknowledge each other’s strengths, and express your appreciation and love for family members. All of these are good reminders, but there is even more we can do as the crisis eases or is past the critical stage.

There is now an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and insight from experiencing and handling a crisis. While the experience is often a significant challenge, there can be a silver lining to every crisis: You can emerge from the other side with greater clarity about the essential lessons you’ve learned that can benefit you in future situations. Here are ten lessons learned from a crisis.

Lesson 1. You learn more about your true strengths and where they lie.

Until you are at the forefront of a crisis, you don’t understand how it feels to be the “in charge” person of the moment. People may turn to you during a tense, stressful crisis for guidance or advice. When you are suddenly responsible for mitigating an emergency, you may find yourself acting in new and unexpected ways. 

Crises put our bodies into “fight or flight” mode. Often, when you are the person who must step in to handle the situation, the “flight” option is gone–with others depending on you and watching you, the opportunity to run away is gone. When you decide to “fight” or take action, the stress of a crisis can bring out some previously unknown talents and strengths as your mind and body work together to get you through the problem. 

Lesson 2. You can discover where different areas of your daily life need improvements.

As you analyze a crisis once it’s ended, you can spot different areas of your daily life that need improvements. Unfortunately, people often only recognize problem areas once they have to handle them during a stressful crisis. Those problem areas are extra prominent amid the chaos when you’re ultra-stressed. 

For example, if you’re having issues with your partner, they may be manageable until you’re both flung into a crisis. Then, your arguments and fighting may become insufferable during all that extra stress. After the problem ends, you can evaluate the relationship and see where improvements are needed. 

Lesson 3. You become more aware of yourself and others in your personal space.

A crisis sets people on edge. Family members can experience increased vulnerability, anxiety, and confusion. The stress of everything happening so suddenly is frightening and startling–often, a crisis arises with little to no warning. 

After one of these “surprise” crises, you learn a valuable lesson in self-awareness. By being more aware of yourself and the people around you, you can often detect changes and potential new crises emerging. 

Lesson 4. You appreciate the little things in life a little bit more.

After a crisis rocks your world to its core, you learn to appreciate the little things in life more. Previous superficial desires (like having the fanciest car or buying the nicest house) fall to the wayside during a crisis. After the situation ends, you’ll appreciate your life’s more minor yet priceless aspects, such as relationships. 

Lesson 5. You learn to treat people with a little extra empathy, kindness, and grace.

One of the best resources during a crisis is other people who care and want to help. After your problem ends, you can remember how nice it is to have a kind person on your side. Use that memory to remind yourself to be kind to others experiencing crises. When someone treats you unkindly, you can ask yourself, “I wonder what they are going through?” or “What is happening to them right now?”

Lesson 6. You develop an understanding of what’s truly most important in your life.

A crisis sheds a lot of light on life’s most important aspects. When facing an emergency, many of life’s other little struggles and worries tend to fade away so you can focus on handling the crisis. After a problem subsides, consider what was most important during the most challenging parts of your life, and remember to treasure those parts of your life most. 

Lesson 7. You develop a keener sense of preparedness. 

Future crises can be avoided (or, at the very least, softened) with some preparedness. Coming out of a predicament you weren’t prepared for, you learn to become a “prepper,” or someone who plans for potential future issues. 

Lesson 8. You learn to spend more time caring for your mental health.

You are your own most significant asset. After handling a crisis, you learn a valuable lesson in mental health awareness. Caring for yourself and your mental health is vital since you depend on yourself so much, including getting through life’s most demanding situations. Use this lesson to spend time caring for your mental health–you will feel better and set yourself up for success in a future crisis. 

Lesson 9. You develop more of a “big picture” outlook on life. 

After a crisis, reflect on what happened during the main event. Often, you’ll discover that many different things were happening during the central turmoil—it may even seem like lots of tiny crises were happening concurrently. 

This experience, while unpleasant, can help you approach a future crisis with a “big picture” outlook, meaning you’re paying attention to multiple aspects of a situation at once. 

Instead of focusing solely on the crisis, you’ll be able to maintain some attention on other important things without totally neglecting other aspects of your life during an emergency. Unfortunately, when something terrible happens, other parts of life don’t stop–keeping this “big picture” awareness will help you maintain some balance. 

Lesson 10. You carry away a unique lesson that will help you handle (or even avoid) a similar crisis in the future. 

Being in crisis mode is awful. But, no matter the crisis, you can exit each situation with a new lesson learned and take that knowledge forward with you. So, at the end of every problem, evaluate the events. 

Ask yourself what you experienced, what those experiences taught you, and how you can use that information in a future similar situation.

Use your time now and after difficult times to strengthen family ties, communicate with clarity your family values, and encourage each other as you work to develop the virtues you aspire to. Do things together as a family, plan for fun things and the future, and use your family meetings to appreciate and acknowledge the good in each other as well as solve minor issues. Focus on what you want for your family while using the lessons you have learned from the crisis to grow yourself.

I invite you to sign up for our newsletter. It is a great way to get the Virtue of the Month and tips on relationships, parenting, and self-care. In addition, you’ll be the first to know about upcoming classes for successful families.

To sign up, visit the “Newsletter” section here on the website. Enter your email address, and you’ll receive our newsletter in your inbox on Wednesdays.  I appreciate your interest in bringing out the best in your children and yourself. We look forward to keeping you informed through our newsletter!

Building a Strong Family Support System

Building a Strong Family Support System

5 Tips for Building a Strong Family Support System

When you’re part of a family, you’re supposed to be there for each other. Sadly, real life doesn’t look much like it does on TV. Heartfelt conversations followed by a laugh track with a heavy ‘awwww’ at the perfect moment when people really connect are a creation of Hollywood writers looking to emulate what people wish life would be. It just doesn’t happen this way in real life.  Or does it?

Well, the reality might not be sitcom perfect. A strong family support system doesn’t have to be an impossible goal. In fact, it’s a lot simpler than you might imagine. You start with these five tips:

Show Gratitude

This is one of the earliest lessons we teach our kids: Always say “please” and “thank you.” Showing gratitude is a way of saying you notice the effort and appreciate it. Please note: kids who hear this from their parents are more likely to say it themselves.

Put in the Time

Not everyone has a lot of time to spend with their kids. Today, even children have complicated schedules filled with lessons and activities. Add to this a busy work schedule for mom and dad, and it’s hard to make time just to spend with each other. By making sure quality time is spent in connecting and playing, you build closer family bonds, which in turn strengthens the family support system. 

Talk to Each Other

Perhaps one of the biggest problems families have is in the area of communication. While everyone, parents, and children both are anxious to talk and make their points known, not much listening goes on. By practicing better listening skills and learning how to respect what the other person says, even when disagreeing, you create a space safe for discussion.

Problem Solving 

How are you at creatively finding solutions to the issues which come up in the family? By encouraging the family to work together on these difficulties, you build teamwork and a mutual interest in the things which crop up in family life, which are sometimes difficult to solve.


Your family will help you keep on track even as you help them to reach their own goals. When you celebrate together when things go right, and yes, commiserate when things go wrong, you teach your children you’re in this together. No matter what!

A strong family support system begins with the parents. What you do now will impact the support system your children have today and the support systems they seek for themselves in the future. Help show them the way that you might all succeed together.

The Four C’s of Successful Families

Clarity – is all about knowing your roles,  expectations, values, and vision you have for your family

Communication – How you communicate in a clear and convincing manner so everyone in the family is on the same page.

Consistency – Is all about how you make family and personal choices. So much easier when you put into practice the tips we give.

Community – Surrounding yourself with others that share similar values and who are interested in bringing out the best in everyone around them.

I invite you to sign up for our newsletter. It is a great way to get the Virtue of the Month and tips on relationships, parenting, and self-care. In addition, you’ll be the first to know about upcoming classes for successful families.

To sign up, visit the “Newsletter” section here on the website. Enter your email address, and you’ll receive our newsletter in your inbox on Wednesdays.  I appreciate your interest in bringing out the best in your children and yourself. We look forward to keeping you informed through our newsletter!

Raising an Assertive Daughter

Raising an Assertive Daughter

A Parents Guide for Raising an Assertive Daughter

Some time ago, a parent asked me how to stop her daughter from being bossy. While no one likes the idea of bossiness in our kids, we want our children to develop their assertiveness, especially our daughters.

The mom who asked me about her daughter just needed to see her daughter as overdeveloping her assertiveness – not having learned yet how to communicate with tact, kindness, and courtesy while still standing up for herself. So, yes, we want our daughters to be assertive when they are 16 and on a date, 20 and in college, or 25 years of age with suggestions at a company meeting.

Today’s society does not always encourage assertiveness, especially in young women. So early in life, they may learn to shrink back and not speak up.

Studies show that women still face double standards. For example, while men are admired for being outspoken in the workplace, women are more likely to be seen as unlikeable or abrasive. As a parent, you can help your child walk the line between being bossy and passive. Try these suggestions for raising an assertive daughter.

Building Confidence:

  1. Understand your needs. Self-awareness is the first lesson to give your child. Before communicating with others, they must know and accept themselves. Talk about their feelings and values.
  2. Advocate for yourself. Encourage her independence. Be there for support, but let her try to speak up for herself. She’ll be more prepared to deal with peer pressure now and adult dilemmas later. 
  3. Ask for help. Practice in manageable situations. She might ask a restaurant server to leave the pickles off her hamburger or go to her teacher for a more detailed explanation of an assignment.
  4. Take risks. Honor your daughter for showing courage and learning from experience. Then, coach her to evaluate the pros and cons and deal with the consequences.
  5. Be authentic. Could you help her feel valued and important? Notice and acknowledge her talents and achievements. Spend one-on-one time with her, sharing her interests and discussing her goals.
  6. Think positive. A cheerful outlook will make your daughter stronger and more resilient. Remind each other about how much you have to be grateful for. Enjoy family dinners and do volunteer work together as a family.

Showing Consideration and Respect for Others:

1. Listen attentively. Assertiveness means having regard for others and yourself, which starts with listening skills. Take turns reading books to each other and discussing the details. Turn off your phone to spend more time engaging in face-to-face conversations.

2. Cultivate patience. What seems like disrespectful behavior could mean your child has trouble waiting. Make rules for younger kids, like no talking when you’re on the phone. Then, as they age, you can explain the benefits of delaying gratification.

3. Work as a team. Promote cooperation and collaboration at home. Give your child age-appropriate tasks and invite them to participate in family decisions. It may also help to sign them up for team sports and other organized activities.

4. Resolve conflicts. Assertiveness can prevent some disagreements and make the rest easier to handle. Guide your child to express themselves calmly and look for mutually satisfactory solutions.

Other Tips:

1. Be a role model. You’re a powerful influence in your child’s life. Demonstrate the choices you want them to make. Treat yourself and others with kindness and respect.

2. Target key areas. It’s common for children and adults to be assertive in some areas of their lives while struggling in others. Be alert for where your child needs the most support.

3. Keep at it. Research has found that girls’ confidence drops about 30% between the ages of 8 and 14. Make assertiveness training an ongoing activity to keep up with any changes.

4. Have fun. It’s easier for your child to learn if you make the lessons enjoyable. Try role-playing and use popular movies and books to reinforce your message.

Knowing how to stand up for herself can help your daughter to reduce stress, strengthen relationships, and reach her personal and professional goals. In addition, as a parent, you can provide a safe place for her to practice her assertiveness skills early and often.

Our newsletter is a great way to get the Virtue of the Month and tips on relationships, parenting, and self-care. In addition, you’ll be the first to know about upcoming classes for successful families.

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Good Advice from Grandma

Good Advice from Grandma

Good Advice From Grandma

There is something special about grandmothers.  

These matriarchs have backbones of steel with the gentleness of a dove. They have a knack for fun and imparting words of wisdom that last a lifetime. 

Here are some life lessons that Grandma might have passed on to you: 


1.   Stay Tidy and Organized

Keeping your home clean, tidy and organized is timeless advice. A devotion to cleanliness isn’t just about surprise guests popping in, there are many benefits to an organized household. These benefits include less stress, more motivation and productivity. 

2.   Be On Time 

Show others you respect their time by arriving on time, or even a little bit early. Besides being polite, it also allows you to pull yourself together and be ready for the meeting, appointment, or visit.

3.   Treat Others as They Want to Be Treated

Be flexible in your approach with people. Different people might require a slightly different approach. They will appreciate the effort, and you will sharpen your people skills.

4.   Love Yourself 

Everyone has their struggles, but never forget to love yourself. Treat yourself like you would treat a loved one. Skip the negative self-talk and forget trying to be someone else. You are your own person, and that person is pretty special! 

5.   Bad Times Will Come – And They Will Pass 

Nothing lasts forever, even the bad times in life. Acknowledge that you will face hard times, but they will not last. Take time to lick your wounds, but eventually you will need to put your chin up and move forward.   

6.   Good Manners Don’t Cost You a Dime 

Using good manners doesn’t cost anything and brings harmony to your relationships. Remember to say “Please” and “Thank You” and, in general, be considerate of those around you. 

7.   Stay Firm in Your Convictions 

While you should strive to be pleasant and polite, that doesn’t mean that you let people walk all over you. Stay firm to your convictions. Don’t let people make you feel like your core values and beliefs are wrong. 

8.   Don’t Be Afraid to Fail    

Lessons are found in your perceived failures. If you succeed at everything, you risk learning nothing. So go out and fail at something, learn the lesson, and become a better person. You will be more apt to reach your goals, too.  

9.   Family (And Friends) First 

Make family and friends a priority. A strong social circle gives you a firm foundation for success. In bad times, and good, these are the people you will turn to. Make sure to foster powerful relationships, by ‘giving’ as much as you ‘take’. 


1.  Call a close relative. Have dinner with them, strengthen that relationship, and glean all the wisdom you can. 

2.  Look at your upcoming appointments for the week. Set a reminder to leave ten minutes earlier than you normally would. 

3.  Clean and declutter your house. (Remember: making an effort is more important than perfection.) You deserve a home that is welcoming and relaxing.


1.  Grandma, Tell Me: A Give & Get Back Book

2.  Grandma Says: Wake Up, World! 

3.  Stories from Grandma: A Fill-In Journal 

4.  Dear Grandchild, This Is Me

5.  Grandma’s Storybook: Wisdom, Wit, and Words of Advice

I invite you to sign up for our newsletter. It is a great way to get the Virtue of the Month and tips on relationships, parenting, and self-care.

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Five Thought Habits Used by Optimists

Five Thought Habits Used by Optimists

Thinking Habits of an Optimist

If you are trying to change your thinking methods, consider making your thoughts mirror those of an optimist. But this can be easier said than done. Here are five examples of thought habits used by optimists that you can employ in your own life on your journey to become more optimistic.

Knowing Everything Happens For A Reason

If you think someone is an optimist because nothing ever goes wrong in their life, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Optimists tend to experience just as much hardship as people who can be classified as pessimists. The difference is that optimists know that everything in life happens for a reason, so when something terrible does happen, they aren’t thrown off and instead resolve to take the problem in stride.

Optimists Know They Are Never Given More Than They Can Handle

Besides knowing that everything happens for a reason, optimists also see that they are never thrown more than they can handle. So instead of breaking down and crying because something is “just too much to bear,” they get to work at conquering the roadblock they’ve encountered immediately.

Happiness is a Choice

Many people are misled into thinking you must find or earn happiness. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Happiness always has been, and always will be, a choice, and optimists know this. So even if they are experiencing tough times, or perhaps life isn’t going their way, an optimist will find something in their life to be happy about. They will focus on that instead of the bad parts, which helps them stay optimistic.

Nothing Is Permanent Unless You Want It To Be

Another thought process that helps optimists stay optimistic is that they know nothing in life is permanent unless they make it a permanent fixture. If you feel you will always be sad or alone, this is because you have chosen to be sad and alone.

Optimists always choose to change their lives to increase their happiness and work towards the success they desire. And when they find something, they want to keep in their life, such as warm feelings and good health, they do their best to work positively towards keeping those thoughts in their mind.

You Are The Only One Who Can Dictate Your Life

No matter what may happen, you must know you are in control. This means nothing can affect you or hurt you unless you let it. If you don’t want to let the fact that you lost your job get you down, it won’t.

If you don’t want to spend time with someone who is negative and brings you down, cut them out. The optimist knows in their mind that they are the creators of their own destiny and have complete control over everything that may happen in their lifetime.

Thinking like an optimist isn’t easy, but once you’ve changed your thinking habits, you’ll be well on your way to becoming more optimistic. Start by knowing that everything happens for a reason and that no matter how bad it is, you are never given more in life than you can handle.

Don’t forget that happiness is always a choice; nothing is permanent, and you are in control. If you want something to happen, it will”; if you make that statement part of your thinking habits, you will become an optimist.

The virtue of Optimism is described here on our 100 Virtues page – Optimism

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To sign up, visit the “Newsletter” section here on the website. Enter your email address, and you’ll receive our newsletter in your inbox on Wednesdays.  I appreciate your interest in bringing out the best in your children and yourself. We look forward to keeping you informed through our newsletter!