Are Your Kids Getting Enough Unstructured Play?

Are Your Kids Getting Enough Unstructured Play?

If you want your children to be more successful, give them more time for unstructured play. That’s the conclusion the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and many other experts reached. In fact, the AAP recommends that kids get at least an hour a day to play outside, along with regular breaks throughout the day.

Are your kids getting enough unstructured play?

by Joseph Michael

I have noticed that many parents need help resisting the temptation to interfere or direct unstructured playtime.

Let your kids play by themselves because, let’s face it, kids are the masters of their own play universe. It’s like trying to navigate a spaceship without a manual – just let them take the wheel! When parents hover or impose their ideas on the unstructured play, it’s like a giant meteor crashing into the magic of imagination. Trust me, kids have an uncanny ability to transform a cardboard box into a time-traveling spaceship or a humble stick into a mystical wand.

The activities that your children invent for themselves have a dramatic and unique impact on their social, emotional, and cognitive development.

So, parents, take a step back, resist the urge to control the play script, and let your little Einsteins, Picassos, and superheroes shape their extraordinary playtime adventures. You might be surprised at the ingenious castles they build or the wild jungle they create in the living room. Unstructured play is their domain, and by giving them the freedom to reign, you’re unleashing their creativity and nurturing their genius.

Benefits of Unstructured Play

Stimulate creativity

Children naturally engage in imaginative and creative activities When they are free to play without predetermined outcomes or instructions. Put your child’s imagination to work. Innovative thinking will help your kids excel in their future careers and develop enriching hobbies. For example, creating storylines for tea parties could help them break into advertising. A cardboard box into a spaceship may encourage them to become a pilot or investigate science.

Teach conflict resolution

When children engage in unstructured play, they have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with their peers. They learn to negotiate, take turns, share resources, and resolve conflicts independently. They ponder ethical decisions and explore how to treat people fairly. Unstructured play encourages the development of empathy, communication skills, and cooperation. For example, children playing in a sandbox might collaborate to build a sandcastle, each contributing their ideas and working together towards a common goal.

Manage stress

Intensive study camps and nonstop playdates can be too much of a good thing. Kids need a break from external pressures, just like adults do. Unstructured play provides an opportunity for children to unwind, relax, and relieve stress. Playtime allows children to engage in activities purely for enjoyment, which helps them reduce anxiety and tension. Whether building with blocks, playing with dolls, or engaging in imaginative scenarios, unstructured play is a stress buster, promoting emotional well-being and relaxation.

Strengthen motor skills

It may be difficult to explain fine motor skills to a toddler. However, unstructured play supports the development of children’s motor skills, coordination, and overall physical well-being. Activities like running, climbing, jumping, and swinging stimulate gross motor skills. In contrast, smaller-scale activities like drawing, painting, and playing with small objects enhance fine motor skills. By engaging in unstructured play, children improve their strength, balance, and agility, contributing to their overall physical development. On the other hand, they’ll love sorting pebbles and shaping cookie dough.

Develop self-awareness, self-regulation, and independence

Childhood is a time to create a sense of identity and figure out what we like and dislike. Taking charge of their free time helps kids to appreciate themselves and become more resilient. 

In unstructured play, children have the freedom to explore their interests and make decisions on their own. They learn to manage their time, set goals, and engage in activities that captivate their attention. This fosters a sense of autonomy, self-regulation, and independence. Children develop an understanding of agency and self-determination by deciding what to play and how to play.

 Fight obesity

Sedentary lifestyles can start young. Shooting hoops or roller skating after school burns calories. Best of all, those healthy exercise habits will stick with your children as they get older.

Enhance problem-solving

Building a fort from scratch can bring out the engineer in your child. During unstructured play, children encounter various challenges and problems that require them to think critically and find solutions. As a result, they learn to make decisions, experiment with different approaches, and adapt their strategies. Whether building a complex block structure or devising rules for an invented game, children develop problem-solving skills that transfer to real-life situations.

Emotional Regulation and Self-Expression 

Unstructured play offers a safe space for children to express and manage their emotions. Through play, children can act out and process emotions like joy, anger, fear, or sadness. In addition, they may engage in dramatic play, taking on different roles and experimenting with different emotional responses. For instance, a child playing with dolls might enact scenarios that help them understand and navigate complex emotions.

Strategies to Provide Your Kids with More

Unstructured Playtime

 Head outdoors

Spending time outdoors provides children with ample opportunities for unstructured play. Encourage them to explore nature, engage in physical activities like running, jumping, or climbing, or create imaginative scenarios in outdoor settings. Nature offers a rich and stimulating environment for unstructured play. Visit your local park. Hang a tire swing in your backyard. Keep a trunk full of Frisbees, jump ropes, and hula hoops on your porch.

Redecorate your child’s room.

Encourage children to engage in independent play by providing them with age-appropriate toys, games, or materials they can explore independently. This fosters self-directed learning, decision-making, and creativity. Offer support and guidance when needed, but allow them to lead their play. Design your child’s bedroom to incorporate multiple play areas. For example, you might want to arrange a table and chairs for crafts and reading. Set up an easel for sketching. Paint a hopscotch diagram on the floor.

 Choose simple toys. Cardboard boxes and wooden blocks require your children to rely on their own resources rather than following the directions that come with a kit.

Put the money you save into their college account.

Be a Playful Role Model

Show enthusiasm and join your children in their play. Be present, actively engage, and demonstrate a playful attitude. This strengthens the parent-child bond and encourages children to immerse themselves fully in unstructured play.

Connect with Other Parents

Arrange playdates or join parent groups where unstructured play is encouraged. Children can benefit from playing with peers, exchanging ideas, and collaborating on imaginative play scenarios. It also allows parents to share ideas and experiences related to unstructured play.

Check school programs 

Many schools have cut back on recess. Talk with your child’s teacher about policies at your school. Are they getting regular breaks during the day?

Encourage experimentation

Expose your children to a wide variety of activities. They’ll be better positioned to discover their true passions if they try out ice skating, dancing, and art rather than specializing too soon.

Create a Safe and Stimulating Environment

Set up a designated play area at home where children can freely explore and engage in open-ended play. Ensure that the space is safe, well-organized, and stocked with various age-appropriate toys, art supplies, and materials that encourage imaginative play.

Allow for Uninterrupted Play

Set aside blocks of time when children can engage in unstructured play without interruptions or distractions. Avoid over-scheduling their day with structured activities, and instead, provide them with opportunities to initiate and explore their own play ideas.

Set limits on screen time

Reduce children’s time in front of screens, such as television, video games, or smartphones. Excessive screen time can hinder unstructured play and limit creativity. Set reasonable limits and encourage alternative activities that foster imaginative and active play. Pediatricians recommend two hours or less a day of TV and computer time. Set a curfew on electronics and monitor your child’s activities online.

Embrace Messy Play

Embrace activities that may be messy but promote creativity and sensory exploration. Activities like painting, clay modeling, water play, or building with sand allow children to engage their senses, express themselves, and experience a range of textures and materials.

Balance Structure and Unstructured Play

While unstructured play is essential, finding a balance between structured activities and unstructured play is vital. Structured activities like music classes, sports, or art lessons can also contribute to a child’s development. The key is to ensure that there is ample time for unstructured play alongside structured activities.

Remember, each child is unique, and their play preferences may vary. Observe your child’s interests, provide them with the necessary resources and support, and allow them to explore and create in their own way. By prioritizing unstructured play, parents can help their children develop essential skills and experiences that will benefit them throughout their lives.

The virtues stimulated with unstructured play include; creativity, confidence, cooperation, flexibility, friendliness, purposefulness, resilience, self-discipline, determination, simplicity, fairness, openness, and wonder. Which virtue do you want your child to develop further?

Guiding Tweens Towards Making Smart Choices in Relationship

Guiding Tweens Towards Making Smart Choices in Relationship

Parenting Tweens Is a Whole New Ballgame

Being a guide for our children is one of the most important roles we have as parents, along with the roles of educator, counselor, and authority figure. However, guiding our kids when they reach the tween years is a whole new segment or season of parenting. 

The tween years, often defined as between 9 and 12 years old, can be an exciting, confusing, and sometimes challenging time for kids.

As they transition from childhood to adolescence, they begin to experience a wave of new emotions and social situations. One of these is the beginning of their first friendships, and sometimes even romances, that hold greater emotional significance. As parents, we must guide them through this significant stage, helping them make smart relationship choices.

Every suggestion made here begins with personal Clarity about family values and living them in everyday life, with the choices you make daily with your family. The example set by you, as the leaders in the family, will demonstrate what our children will follow or be determined not to follow. So as you look at these suggestions, ask yourself, how am I communicating these principles, values, and ways of being in the family?

Here are some thoughts about guiding our tweens toward making intelligent relationship choices.

The Importance of Open Communication

Creating an open line of communication with your tween is the first step. Encourage your children to share their feelings and experiences. Be attentive, non-judgmental, and show genuine interest in what they say. Provide reassurance that it’s normal to have questions and uncertainties about friendships and relationships. Your comfort will foster trust and make it more likely that they will come to you for advice when facing difficult decisions.

Teach Them about Healthy Relationships

The tween years are a prime time for teaching about healthy relationships. Explain that mutual respect, kindness, honesty, and good communication are pillars of any successful relationship, whether a friendship or a romantic one. They should feel safe, valued, and comfortable expressing themselves without fear of ridicule or dismissal.

Empower Their Decision-Making Skills

Using your companioning skills, a significant part of communication, Encourage your tweens to think critically about their relationships. Ask questions like, “How does this friendship make you feel?” or “What do you like about this person?” Then listen and be patient with any further talking as your child tests what they can say and if it is safe. Our asking questions can guide them towards self-reflection, and the virtues needed to meet challenges will help them to understand their feelings better and help them make the best moral choices for themselves. It will also help you, the parent, to understand your child better.

Teach them that it’s okay to set boundaries and say no to things that make them uncomfortable. And equally important, they need to respect others’ boundaries as well. These lessons can be pivotal in ensuring they do not end up in manipulative or abusive relationships.

Handling Peer Pressure

As they navigate the world of friendships and relationships, tweens will inevitably face peer pressure. It’s crucial to prepare them for these moments. Teach them the value of standing up for their beliefs, even if it means going against the crowd—Role-play different scenarios to help them gain confidence in dealing with such situations.

Addressing Digital Relationships

In today’s digital age, many tween relationships occur online, which brings unique challenges and risks. Discuss the importance of online safety, including protecting personal information, being wary of strangers, and the consequences of cyberbullying. Also, stress the need for digital etiquette and the understanding that things posted online are often permanent.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is critical to managing relationships effectively. Encourage your tween to identify and express their emotions accurately, empathize with others, and manage their feelings healthily. Doing so, they will handle conflicts and maintain stronger, more fulfilling relationships.


You want to keep them safe, but you don’t want to keep them from enjoying all life offers. At their age, they need both guidance and freedom. Challenging but possible.

That brings up another thought regarding our kids growing up, which you have probably noticed. Kids are growing up faster than you did or in past generations. They are pressured in many ways so that they don’t have time to be kids and use that time to develop their character in a balanced way. There is so much pressure on them to excel academically and focus on the future sooner. There is pressure for them to feel that the current season of their life is not as important as becoming famous like those they see on social media.

Along with the Clarity of values you provide for them, it also helps to allow them to take their time growing up. Society is pushing them hard. Use the following tips to enable them to enjoy their childhood and keep their emotional, physical, and mental growth balanced.

    • Get them moving with outdoor playtime and activities, including more unstructured playtime.
    • Set limits on technology. Use parental controls, wi-fi access, and time limits, and require outside and social time to take place before devices are allowed.
    • Provide age-appropriate clothing.
    • Be sure they get quality sleep time.
    • Prioritize quality time spent with family and friends.

While it may seem challenging to guide your tweens toward making smart choices in relationships, with The Four C’s  – Clarity, Communication, Consistency, and Community, you can significantly ease their transition into this new phase of life. Remember, every tween is unique and will have different relationship experiences. Likewise, every family is different, but many of our parenting values are similar.

Providing a foundation for them with your family values, how virtues are demonstrated and lived by your family, and a mission to live by you will provide wisdom, love, and reassurance for your children along the way. That is our role as parents.

Ultimately, by helping your tweens develop a strong foundation in understanding and managing relationships, you’re setting them up for success in their later teen years and beyond, and these skills will continue to serve them well into adulthood.

Parents: Help Your Children Appreciate Music

Parents: Help Your Children Appreciate Music

Make Music a Part of Your Child’s Education

Are you a parent who’s concerned that your children may be missing out when it comes to music education? Budget cuts in arts programs at public schools could limit your child’s opportunities to play an instrument or learn about great composers.

Benefits of Music Education:

1.     Enhance academic performance. Some studies have shown that kids who can play instruments receive higher SAT scores. Engaging with music involves math, science, and memory skills, as well as motor coordination.

2.     Explore other cultures. Even if your knowledge of French is limited to Frere Jacques, you realize how rhymes make it easier to speak other languages. Music also provides a window into how others live around the world.

3.     Promote teamwork. Bands and orchestras collaborate and resolve challenges. Each member waits their turn and respects the others’ contributions.

4.     Teach delayed gratification. Video games like Guitar Hero may be fun, but they don’t really teach you to play guitar. Kids who practice with a real instrument experience the rewards of perseverance.

5.     Build confidence. Racking up tangible accomplishments boosts self-esteem. Performing before a live audience can also be an early lesson in leadership and presentation abilities.

Encouraging Your Child’s Music Appreciation:

1.     Start early. Many experts think that the capacity for musical sensibility peaks between birth and age, nine so use age-appropriate methods. Your baby loves the sound of your voice, so chant while you rock them. Encourage your toddler to make noise with homemade shakers and drums.

2.     Sing together. Babies will often mimic any sound you make, while slightly older kids will enjoy silly songs. By the time they’re ready for elementary school, you can start introducing simple concepts like tempo and beat.

3.     Share activities. Keep it interesting with crafts and outings. Draw pictures of instruments to color, and check neighborhood calendars for children’s performances.

4.     Broaden their exposure. Drench your home in pleasant sounds. Play classical music and jazz on the radio. Offer sheet music and books.

Supporting Your Child’s Music Studies:

1.     Talk with the teacher. Choose a music instructor with a warm personality who can describe their lesson plan in convincing detail. Ask them how you can assist your child, especially if you don’t know much about music yourself.

2.     Attend classes. Your child might feel more comfortable if you go with them to classes at first. Try to observe closely without distracting them from listening to the teacher.

3.     Praise effort. Let your child know you recognize their progress. Be specific about what they’re doing well, whether it’s practicing on a daily basis or playing an entire piece without hitting a single wrong note.

4.     Show enthusiasm. Show up for each performance that you possibly can. Give a big round of applause and take pictures for posterity. Help your child stay on track by engaging them in setting daily goals and figuring out activities of their own for holiday breaks and summer vacation.


5.     Make it fun. Remember that the main purpose is to help your child enjoy music, so let them decide how far they want to go. Let them know you love them just as much if they want to trade in their piano lessons for horseback riding.

Make symphonies and pop songs part of your family activities. Increasing your child’s understanding of music will enhance their performance in many arenas, and give them a source of joy and relaxation they can count on throughout their lives.

Here is a great PDF from NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants Foundation) on the benefits of music to child development.  The Benefits of Music Education 

The video is a suggested powerpoint to present to Board of Education’s in support of Arts Education available at  I have created it into a video.

The Importance of Playing Outdoors with Your Children

The Importance of Playing Outdoors with Your Children

There Are Benefits for Parents and Child

Computers and other gadgets have become pivotal in the lives of most people under 50. Technology is infused into your children’s everyday lives in ways most of us never imagined. Whatever happened to playing outside?

Most technology involves a lot of sitting still, which uses something other than our children’s natural abundance of energy.

 However, if you’ve ever tried to get your kids to unplug from these devices, you know what a chore that can be!

You’ve most likely set limits on how long your kids can fiddle with their gadgets. However, they’ll need help finding things to do when they can’t plug in. So why not play outside as a family?

Physical benefits of playing outdoors with children

There are physical and psychological benefits to getting the kids outdoors to play and for parents to join them.

The most obvious is that outdoor play increases physical activity, which helps children maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Even more than that, outdoor play allows children to develop their motor skills, including hand-eye coordination, balance, and agility.

Children can enhance their gross motor skills by running, jumping, and climbing, while smaller movements such as digging, building, or playing a sport can improve their fine motor skills.

Use activities like playing with balls and other equipment and encourage them to climb and find things they can balance to improve their strength and confidence. Join them in running, jumping, and hopping games. As they age, the family can ride bikes, ski, snowboard, go rafting, or do other physical activities.

Finally, playing outdoors provides children with exposure to nature and fresh air, which can enhance their respiratory and immune systems and improve their mood and overall well-being.

All of these are good for adult parents as well.

Psychological Benefits of Outdoor Play

In addition to physical benefits, playing outdoors also offers psychological benefits for children.

Unorganized outdoor play promotes increased creativity and imagination as children are encouraged to explore and discover new things in their environment.

Play is a child’s work.

Please enable opportunities for them to create new games, engage in role-playing, and engage in imaginative play, which can enhance their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. As they grow, include gardening and yard responsibilities. This helps to get the whole family outside and appreciate the idea of teamwork as family work.

Organized play, like team sports, and additional activities like camping and hiking contribute to the development of character and a child’s mental health by helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels. In addition, being in nature and participating in physical activity has been shown to have a calming effect on the body and mind. 

Children walking with you or playing outside may be willing to talk more, and you will get a deeper insight into their thinking and personalities. In addition, when playing with other children outdoors, they will develop their social skills as they interact and communicate with their peers, negotiate and collaborate on games, and develop their emotional intelligence. These skills are essential for building healthy relationships and social connections throughout their lives.

A couple of notes: We all want our children to grow up safely and in good health. Sun protection, water safety, playground safety, and protection from some outdoor pests like ticks and other insects are part of a parent’s responsibility to their kids. In addition, teaching them about cooperative play will add to the safety of those times you are on the playground with others.

Concluding Thoughts

Outdoor activities provide a unique opportunity for parents to connect with their children in a different way than is possible indoors. Engaging in activities such as hiking, camping, or playing sports requires teamwork, communication, and trust, which can help strengthen the bond between parents and children

Outdoor activities also offer an escape from the stresses and distractions of daily life, allowing parents and children to focus on enjoying each other’s company and the beauty of nature.

In addition, playing outside together allows parents to be more involved in their children’s lives and interests. By participating in activities that their children enjoy, parents can show their support and interest in their children’s hobbies and passions, building a sense of trust and open communication between parents and children, as children feel heard and valued by their parents.

Outdoor activities also allow parents to model healthy behaviors and habits for their children. Parents can instill a love of nature and a commitment to staying active and healthy by engaging in physical activity and spending time outdoors with their children. This can help reinforce positive habits and values that can last a lifetime.

My youngest son was never interested in sports, going outside, or outdoor activities. Instead, he enjoyed reading, watching movies, creating movies, and writing stories. So I had to be accepting of that while at the same time offering opportunities and making time when we would be outside doing the simple things.

Today, some 30 years later, he is an avid runner, uses his bike to get to work 10 miles from his home, and enjoys the outdoors more than I ever saw him do when he was young. The lesson is that as parents, we need to do what is best for our children in a way that respects their likes and dislikes and does what is best for their health, success, and long-term happiness. So if you have a young child, start early. If they are older and are like my son, help them to step outside their comfort zone without disrespecting what they love. In the end, they will likely enjoy a variety of activities, both indoors and outdoors.

A Joseph Michael Personal Story

Ultimately, outdoor activities are powerful for building strong and healthy relationships between parents and children. By spending time together outside, parents can create shared experiences and memories that can last a lifetime and strengthen the bond between them and their children. Likewise, spending time with your children outside the house builds a strong and healthy relationship, fostering a sense of trust, respect, and love that can carry over into all aspects of family life.

Preparing Your Child for Sleepaway Camp

Preparing Your Child for Sleepaway Camp

Parents Guide to Successful Camp for Kids

Sending your child to sleepaway camp can be both an exciting and a nerve-wracking experience for you and your child. It’s an excellent opportunity though for your child to develop independence and social skills and can play an essential role in your child’s growth and development. 

While it’s natural to feel homesick, your child can come home with new friends and a greater sense of maturity. To gain the most benefit from camp, preparing them for the experience is vital, which begins with preparation on your part. Yes, there is a lot to do, but it is worth the benefits your child will gain from the experience.

Benefits of Sleepaway Camp

  1. Independence and Confidence: Sleepaway camps provide a unique opportunity for children to gain independence and confidence by spending time away from their parents and learning to independently navigate new social and environmental situations.
  2. Social Skills: At a sleepaway camp, children get to meet and interact with other children from different backgrounds and cultures, helping them develop valuable social skills and broaden their perspectives.
  3. Outdoor Activities: Sleepaway camps often offer a range of outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, canoeing, and other outdoor sports. Such activities promote physical fitness and allow children to develop a love for nature and the outdoors.
  4. Personal Growth: Sleepaway camps often offer activities encouraging personal growth and self-discovery. These can include team-building exercises, leadership training, and other activities that help children identify their strengths and weaknesses. Some camps train kids to become counselors or serve in different leadership positions.
  5. Lifelong Memories: Sleepaway camp can be an unforgettable experience for children, and the memories and friendships made at camp can last a lifetime. Most children are ready to benefit from an overnight camp at about 8 or 9 years of age.
  6. Reduced Screen Time: Camps often have rules about technology use, which can help children unplug from screens and focus on socializing, physical activity, and being present in the moment.

Managing logistics

Here is a short guide on preparation so they have a great experience at camp.

  • Involve your child in the planning process. Let your child help choose the camp they’ll attend and the activities they want to participate in. If they are younger, going to a center that offers a variety of activities will introduce them to activities that may be new to them. 
  • Share the decision-making. You’re more likely to find a good fit when you involve your kids in the selection process. Split up the workload for researching camps with gymnastic programs or chemistry labs. Sit down together to review websites and brochures.
  • Check on accreditation. The American Camp Association ( bases accreditation on strict health, safety, and program quality standards. It’s one good way to ensure you leave your child in capable hands. 
  • Learning about specific camps. If possible, take a trip to see the camp before dropping your child off. Talking with the staff in person may reveal more information than you can obtain from a website or phone call. If a visit is impossible, speak to parents who have experience sending their children to the camps you and your child are considering. 

Questions to ask other parents

    1.   What camp did your child attend, and for how many years did they go?
    2.   What was your child’s overall experience like at the center?
    3.   What activities did the camp offer, and did your child enjoy them?
    4.   How were the camp counselors and staff, and did they seem qualified and responsible?
    5.   Was the camp well-organized and safe?
    6.   How was the communication between the camp and parents?
    7.   Did your child make new friends at camp, and were the social dynamics positive?
    8.   How did the camp handle homesickness or other issues that arose?
    9.   Was the camp’s food and accommodations satisfactory?
    10.   Would you recommend this camp to other parents, and why or why not?

Asking these questions can help parents better understand what a specific sleepaway camp is like and whether it may be a good fit for their child.

  • Plan for the costs. With such a wide variety of camps available, you can look for something within your budget. For example, overnight camps typically charge $900 or more a week.
  • Pack appropriately & together. Pack with your child and ensure they have everything they need for camp. Think about clothing, toiletries, bedding, and any special items they want to bring. Your camp will send you a list of what to pack. Leave yourself enough time to label each item to prevent them from getting lost. While you’re at it, break in any new footwear.
  • See your doctor. Let your family doctor know that your child is heading to camp. Kids may need to complete a physical or make arrangements for taking prescription medications.

Preparing your child socially and emotionally

Talk about the camp experience. Start by talking to your child about what to expect at camp. Explain the daily routine, the types of activities they’ll be doing, and how long they’ll be away from home. Ensure your child understands that it’s normal to feel homesick but that they’ll be able to cope and have fun.

Practice separation. If your child has yet to spend much time away from you, practicing separation before camp is essential. Start by leaving them with a trusted friend or family member for a few hours, then gradually increase the time apart. Doing so will help your child feel more comfortable with the idea of being away from home. Grandparents would probably enjoy a weekend visit, and it is an excellent place to start with young campers.

Role play. Help your child feel more comfortable by acting out situations they’re likely to encounter at camp. For example, practice finding your way around the backyard at night with a flashlight. Practice sharing a care package with other campers.

Discuss camp rules and expectations. Make sure your child understands the rules and expectations of the camp. Things like curfews, meal times, and activity schedules at most campsites will be non-negotiables. Discuss any concerns or questions they may have, and encourage them to ask their counselors for help if they need it. 

Agree on communications. Based on camp rules, let your child know they can always communicate with you by writing letters, sending emails, or talking on the phone at camp. Ensure they have the necessary contact information for you and any other emergency contacts. Most programs may limit the timing and number of phone calls or packages. It’s easier for your child to adapt if they know what to expect.

Encourage independence. Encourage your child to be independent while at camp. This includes making their bed, managing their hygiene, and deciding on activities. Taking charge of their responsibilities will help them build confidence and feel more prepared for the future.

Coming Home

When a child returns home from a sleepaway camp, it can be an exciting and emotional time for both the child and parents. Here are some tips on how parents can welcome their child home in a way that is supportive and allows them to share their experience:

    • Show excitement: Show your child how happy you are to see them by greeting them with a big hug or smile. Make them feel welcome, and let them know that you missed them.
    • Give them space: While showing excitement is important, giving your child space to adjust to being home is essential. Don’t overwhelm them with too many questions or demands right away.
    • Ask open-ended questions: When your child is ready to talk, ask open-ended questions, encouraging them to share their experience. For example, “What was your favorite part of camp?” or “What was the most challenging thing you faced at camp?”
    • Listen actively: Listen to your child’s answers without interrupting or judging. Encourage them to share as much or as little as they want, and be supportive and empathetic.
    • Plan a fun activity: Plan a fun activity or outing that your child will enjoy, such as going to the park or watching a movie together. Family activities can help your child feel more relaxed and comfortable.
    • Be patient: Remember that it may take some time for your child to fully adjust to being home and process their camp experience. Be patient and continue to show support and understanding.

Preparing your child for sleepaway camp takes time and effort, but it’s worth it for the experiences and memories they’ll gain. Following these tips will help ensure that your child has a fun and successful time at camp.