
Unity is a powerful virtue and it brings great strength. Unity is inclusiveness. It brings people together. We see our commonality without devaluing our differences. We experience our connectedness with all people and all life. Unity frees us from the divisiveness of prejudice and heals our fears. We refuse to engage in conflict, seeking peace in all circumstances. Unity comes when we value every person in our family or in our world. The joy of one is the joy of all. The hurt of one is the hurt of all. The honor of one is the honor of all.


We know that we are the ones who are divided and we are the ones who must come back together to walk in the Sacred Way.

— Ojibway Prayer, One World Book of Prayer, P. 152

 The Practice of Unity

  • I am a lover of humanity.
  • I seek common ground.
  • I appreciate differences.
  • I resolve conflict peacefully.
  • I honor the value of each individual.
  • I am a unifier.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

Unity within a family is exemplified by a seamless cohesion of members forged through mutual respect, open communication, and shared goals. It manifests in the willingness to support each other’s endeavors, celebrate achievements, and weather challenges as a united front.

This unity is demonstrated in the genuine concern for one another’s well-being, the ability to resolve conflicts constructively, and the cultivation of a nurturing environment where each member’s uniqueness is embraced while fostering a sense of belonging to a larger whole.

Ultimately, the virtue of Unity in a family is about fostering an unbreakable bond that stands firm in the face of adversity and collectively celebrates life’s joys.

Balancing Unity

To keep the virtue of Unity in balance, several other virtues can come into play:

      • Wisdom: Wisdom allows us to discern when to prioritize unity and when to stand up for what is right. It helps us make informed decisions that benefit the greater good while respecting individual rights and differences.
      • Courage: Courage is crucial in ensuring that Unity is not overdeveloped. It empowers individuals to speak out against injustice and advocate for change, even if it means challenging the status quo.
      • Empathy: Empathy helps us connect with others on a deep emotional level, fostering a genuine sense of unity. It allows us to understand and appreciate different perspectives, reducing the risk of prejudice and division.
      • Justice: Justice ensures that Unity is not underdeveloped by promoting fairness and equality. It helps address grievances and create a more inclusive and harmonious society.
      • Compassion: Compassion encourages us to care for the well-being of others and work towards collective happiness. It reinforces the idea that the joy, hurt, and honor of one should matter to all.

When these virtues work in harmony, we can achieve a unity that is both inclusive and just, bringing strength and healing to our communities and the world at large.