Righteousness is living by a code of moral rectitude. It is practicing impeccable integrity in light of what we know is right. We don’t allow the fads of the day to sway us from doing the right thing. Nor do we stand in judgment of others. Righteousness is one thing. Self-righteousness is another. We don’t shame ourselves when we go off track. We discern the lesson in the teachable moment and gently call ourselves back to the virtues. We resist being driven by our egos. We choose to be led by our souls. We live the good life.
“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”
— Aristotle
The Practice of Righteousness
- I live by my deepest values.
- I don’t allow the ways of the world to control me.
- I don’t judge myself or others.
- I accept accountability and learn from my mistakes.
- I resist the insistent demands of my ego.
- I choose to live a soulful life.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.
In Family Life
The virtue of righteousness in a family shines through as a steadfast commitment to moral and ethical principles, serving as the cornerstone of harmonious relationships. It is demonstrated through a collective dedication to honesty, fairness, and empathy within the family unit. Each member upholds their responsibilities with integrity and treats one another respectfully and kindly.
In times of conflict, righteousness prevails as family members engage in open and compassionate communication, seeking resolutions that consider the greater good of the family as a whole. This virtue fosters an environment where trust is nurtured, bonds are strengthened, and love flows freely, creating a sanctuary of support and understanding for each member to flourish.
Balancing Righteousness
To keep the virtue of righteousness in balance, several other virtues can play a crucial role:
- Humility: Humility reminds us that we are not infallible, and it helps counter self-righteousness by encouraging empathy and understanding towards others. It encourages us to admit our mistakes and learn from our mistakes.
- Compassion: Compassion softens the edges of righteousness and prevents us from being overly judgmental. It reminds us to approach others respectfully, recognizing that everyone has struggles and flaws.
- Wisdom: Wisdom helps us navigate the complexities of moral dilemmas and teaches us when to stand firm in our principles and when to be flexible. It allows us to make informed and balanced ethical decisions.
- Courage: Courage reinforces our commitment to righteousness, enabling us to stay true to our moral code despite adversity or societal pressure.
- Prudence: Prudence encourages thoughtful and measured actions, preventing us from becoming too rigid or fanatical in our pursuit of righteousness. It guides us in discerning when to act and exercise patience and understanding.
Balancing it with these virtues allows us to live righteous lives while maintaining our moral integrity and harmony with others. In this balance, the true essence of righteousness shines brightest, guiding us to lead lives of virtue and goodness.