Addressing Boredom: Teaching Creativity and Creating Bonds

Addressing Boredom: Teaching Creativity and Creating Bonds

Your Attention or Their Independence?

Addressing the boredom issue with our children involves teaching them how to be creative and leaving space for them to be creative. There are times when it’s good for parents to take the opportunity to bond and spend time with their children.  If you’ve been distracted by other responsibilities, use this as your time to reconnect. Sometimes their boredom is a call for more of your attention.

Demonstrate affection through physical touch, listen closely to what they have to say, and create family rituals that encourage conversation and quality time together. By nurturing these bonds, you can help your child feel seen, heard, and valued, reducing their boredom while creating lasting memories.

How do you determine if more of your attention is needed or when to help them learn about their responsibilities? Here are a few strategies to help you navigate this decision in real-life scenarios:

1. Assess their emotional state: Pay attention to your child’s emotional well-being. If they seem particularly down, anxious, or disconnected, it may indicate a need for more attention and support from you. Engage in conversations, offer reassurance, and actively listen to their concerns. Providing a safe space for them to express their feelings can alleviate boredom stemming from emotional distress.

2. Consider their age and developmental stage: Younger children, especially preschoolers, may require more hands-on engagement and guidance from parents due to their limited attention spans and developing independence. They may benefit from structured activities, interactive play, and parental involvement. As children grow older and become more independent, gradually encourage them to explore their interests and entertain themselves while still maintaining open lines of communication.

3. Evaluate the situation: Assess the environment and circumstances surrounding your child’s boredom. Are they in a setting that lacks stimulating activities or social interaction? In such cases, offering more attention and suggesting engaging alternatives, such as playing together or arranging a playdate, can be beneficial. Conversely, if they have access to various resources, hobbies, and opportunities for independent play, encourage them to tap into their creativity and problem-solving skills.

4. Gauge their energy and motivation levels: Every child has different energy levels and preferences. If your child appears tired, fatigued, or lacking motivation, they may benefit from quality time with you to recharge and regain enthusiasm. Engaging in low-energy activities like reading together or simply having a conversation can be nurturing during such moments. On the other hand, if they are full of energy and seeking stimulation, guide them towards activities they can do independently, such as art projects, building with blocks, or engaging in physical play.

Remember, flexibility is key in parenting. Some days your child may need more attention, while on other days they can explore their own interests. By being attuned to their emotions, considering their age and developmental stage, evaluating the situation, and understanding their energy levels, you can make informed decisions on when to give more attention and when to encourage independent play. It’s an ongoing process of finding the right balance that suits your child’s needs while fostering their growth and independence.

Ways of Giving Your Child More Attention:

Sometimes, complaints about boredom are a cry for more parental attention. If you’ve been preoccupied with other responsibilities, use this opportunity to reconnect with your child. Implement the following strategies to give them the attention they need:

  • Demonstrate affection: Physical touch, such as hugs, can have powerful effects on your child’s well-being and foster a stronger connection.
  • Active listening: Show genuine interest in what your child has to say. Take walks together, providing them with your undivided attention. Ask relevant questions and share your own experiences.
  • Create family rituals: Schedule regular family dinners to focus on conversation and healthy eating. For younger children, make bedtime enjoyable by reading stories and singing songs.

Here are some ideas of how to get them past their bored stage in an article “

I’m Bored”, Helping Your Child Entertain Themselves

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Independence is confident self-reliance. We have the courage to see reality with our own eyes and not through the eyes of others. We dare to be our true selves. We make decisions without undue influence from others. We responsibly care for ourselves. We enjoy intimacy without enmeshment. We do not depend on another to define our value or lose ourselves to love. We bring ourselves fully to a relationship yet honor the boundaries that protect each other’s dignity. We stand on our own holy ground.


If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

— Henry David Thoreau

 The Practice of Virtue

  • I think for myself.
  • I am fully myself.
  • I trust my own decisions.
  • I enjoy healthy self-care.
  • I do not burden my relationships with unrealistic expectations.
  • I balance intimacy with self-reliance.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

The virtue of independence within a family is exemplified by fostering an environment where each member is encouraged to develop their autonomy and self-reliance while maintaining a sense of unity and support. It is demonstrated by allowing children to make age-appropriate decisions and learn from their experiences, teaching them crucial life skills, and instilling a sense of responsibility for their actions.

Parents should also respect each family member’s individuality, opinions, and personal space, allowing them to pursue their interests and goals. Independence within a family is a delicate balance between nurturing self-sufficiency and maintaining close emotional bonds, ensuring every member can confidently navigate life’s challenges while feeling loved and connected within the familial unit.

Balancing Independence

Let’s identify the virtues that help maintain an equilibrium of independence.

      • Cooperation: Cooperation relies on others to strengthen bonds and achieve collective success. It’s the recognition that we are all interconnected, and together, we can achieve more than we could alone.
      • Confidence: Having confidence in one’s abilities and judgments allows individuals to maintain their autonomy within relationships, express their needs and desires, and contribute to partnerships as whole, self-reliant individuals.

By integrating these virtues into our lives, we can harness the strength of independence while nurturing meaningful relationships and personal growth.