
Sacrifice is the willingness to give up something important for something more important. It means to “make sacred”. When we sacrifice for those we care about, it is not a deprivation but a love offering. Sacrificing our time, possessions, our personal comfort and our resources for something we care passionately about gives back to us a hundred fold. It is worth every drop of sweat and every wound we receive. It is in giving our all for a worthy purpose that we receive genuine prosperity.


We need people who will dare to risk anything and everything to see things different.

— Shushobha Barve

 The Practice of Sacrifice

  • I discern my true passion.
  • I offer my love wholeheartedly.
  • I give whatever I can.
  • I invest completely in my life’s purpose.
  • I accept the losses along with the gifts.
  • I am committed to the value of my dreams.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

The virtue of sacrifice within a family is exemplified through selflessness and a willingness to put the needs and well-being of loved ones before one’s desires or comfort. It is demonstrated when parents work long hours to provide for their children’s future, when siblings support each other through life’s challenges, or when caregivers devote their time and energy to caring for elderly family members.

Sacrificing within a family can entail making personal concessions, which can encompass financial, emotional, or physical sacrifices, all in the pursuit of safeguarding the family’s happiness, security, and cohesiveness. It is a cornerstone of strong familial bonds, fostering a sense of mutual trust and dependability that strengthens the family’s resilience and ability to weather life’s trials together.

Balancing Sacrifice

When sacrifice is out of balance, it can lead to self-neglect and even self-destruction or manifest as selfishness and a lack of empathy. To maintain a healthy and balanced approach to the virtue of Sacrifice, several other virtues come into play:

  • Compassion: Cultivating compassion allows individuals to understand and empathize with the needs of others without neglecting their own. Compassion encourages a balanced approach to Sacrifice, where helping others stems from genuine care and not from a sense of obligation.
  • Discernment: Discernment helps individuals make wise decisions about when, how, and to what extent to sacrifice. It involves assessing situations carefully and understanding that not every situation requires self-sacrifice.
  • Gratitude: Practicing gratitude helps individuals appreciate the balance between giving and receiving. It fosters a sense of fulfillment in both helping others and receiving help when needed.
  • Empathy: Empathy allows individuals to connect with others on a deeper level, understanding their needs and emotions. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that Sacrifice is motivated by genuine care, not by a desire for recognition or approval.

Self-Care: Prioritizing self-care is crucial to preventing overdeveloped Sacrifice. People must recognize the importance of taking care of themselves physically and emotionally to be in a position to help others effectively. See the Parenting Priority Pyramid. A balanced approach ensures that individuals can help others without sacrificing their own well-being and maintain healthy relationships with those around them. In doing so, they can truly embody the essence of this virtuous quality, creating a positive and uplifting impact on themselves and the world.