
Peacefulness is inner calm and tranquility. It is a sense of harmony with all creation. Inner peace comes from quiet reflection and prayer. We release the past and let anxiety go. We keep a graceful pace, not allowing ourselves to be rushed or overwhelmed. We do not give into anger. We resolve conflict in a just and gentle way. Peace is giving up the love of power for the power of love. We choose the unity of peace over the fragmentation of fear. Peace in the world begins with peace in our lives.


Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope…

— St. Francis of Assisi

 The Practice of Peacefulness

  • I have a tranquil spirit.
  • I enter the peace of reflection.
  • I release my fears.
  • I move calmly without rush or hurry.
  • I choose justice instead of anger.
  • I choose unity over discord.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

The quote, “Peace is giving up the love of power for the power of love,” perfectly encapsulates the essence of peacefulness in a family. It highlights that true peace within a family comes from relinquishing the desire for control or dominance and embracing the strength of love and understanding.

This virtue is demonstrated when family members prioritize love, empathy, and compassion over asserting their authority or seeking power struggles. It means connecting on a deeper level, valuing each other’s emotions and perspectives, and recognizing that the real power lies in nurturing the bonds of affection and unity.

By practicing this philosophy, a family can cultivate a peaceful and harmonious environment where conflicts are resolved through love and cooperation rather than force or manipulation.

Balancing Peacefulness

Balancing Virtues:

      • Courage: Courage enables us to confront challenges and injustices while maintaining inner peace. It allows us to align with our values, even when faced with adversity.
      • Compassion: Compassion reminds us to approach conflicts with empathy and understanding, seeking resolution through gentle means rather than aggression.
      • Resilience: Resilience helps us bounce back from setbacks and difficulties, allowing us to maintain peace of mind even during chaos or adversity.
      • Wisdom: Wisdom guides us in discerning when to act and when to remain still, ensuring that our pursuit of peace is balanced and effective.
      • Forgiveness: Forgiveness frees us from the burdens of anger and resentment, fostering inner peace and reconciliation in our relationships and communities.

By incorporating these balancing virtues, we can cultivate a peaceful demeanor that is both grounded and effective, fostering harmony within ourselves and the world around us.