
Patience is quiet hope and faith that things will turn out right. We trust the process of life. We are not hasty. We do not rush or allow ourselves to be overcome by pressure. Patience helps us to endure things we cannot control with a peaceful heart. We respond to mistakes or delays not with judgment but with gentleness. We recognize the lessons that come through waiting and receive them as gifts unfolding with Divine timing. Patience brings acceptance. It calls us to be still in the moment, restful, and to listen deeply. Patience soothes our souls.


Help us to be always the hopeful gardeners of the spirit who know that without darkness nothing come to birth as without light nothing flowers.

— May Sarton

 The Practice of Patience

  • I am hopeful and expectant.
  • I do not rush.
  • I am gentle with myself and others when we make mistakes.
  • I accept things I cannot control with humor and grace.
  • I am confident that my life is unfolding as it should.
  • I live fully in the present moment.

Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.


In Family Life

In a family, patience manifests as a profound and unwavering understanding of one another’s needs and emotions. Demonstrated through the willingness to listen attentively, without judgment, when a family member struggles or expresses themselves. It means refraining from impulsive reactions during conflicts, instead opting for open and empathetic communication to resolve issues peacefully.

Patience in a family context involves providing support and encouragement even in the face of setbacks and nurturing an environment where each member feels valued and safe to express themselves without fear of reprisal. With patience, we recognize that growth and change take time and that the family bonds strengthen through an enduring commitment to each other’s well-being.

Balancing Patience

As you reflect on the virtue of patience, remember that finding the right balance is an art. It’s a dance between waiting for the right moment and seizing opportunities when they arise. To maintain the virtue of patience in equilibrium, several other virtues can come into play:

      • Wisdom: Wisdom helps individuals discern when to be patient and when to take action. It allows them to make informed decisions about when patience is truly warranted.
      • Courage: Courage is necessary to step forward when the time is right, to take risks, and to assert oneself when needed, without abandoning the patient and gentle aspects of patience.
      • Empathy: Empathy enables individuals to understand and appreciate the perspectives and feelings of others, fostering patience in interpersonal relationships.
      • Gratitude: Gratitude helps individuals recognize the value in the waiting, in the lessons learned through patience, and in the eventual outcomes that may be worth the delay.
      • Self-discipline: Self-discipline ensures that patience does not transform into complacency and that individuals work diligently towards their goals.

It’s about being patient without becoming passive and being proactive without losing the tranquility that patience brings.