
Moderation is being content with enough. It is using self-discipline to create healthy balance between work, rest, reflection, and play. Moderation protects us from the pull of addictive desires. We do not grasp to do or have more in the belief that we are lacking. We do not try to be everything to everyone. We set healthy boundaries that value our time and energy. We protect ourselves from the stress of overdoing. We discern our own perfect rhythm. Moderation isn’t deprivation. It is loving ourselves enough to choose what is just right.


Moderation is the silken thread running through the pearl chain of all virtues.

— Joseph Hall

 The Practice of Moderation

  • I spend my time and energy sustainably.
  • I remember to pray and play.
  • I am free of addictions.
  • I carry responsibility wisely.
  • I protect myself from the stress of excess.
  • I live gently and gratefully.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

Moderation in family life is a virtue that fosters harmony, understanding, and a sense of balance within the household. Embracing moderation means finding the appropriate equilibrium between work and leisure, discipline and flexibility, and individual needs and collective aspirations.

By practicing moderation, family members learn to communicate effectively, compromise amicably, and prioritize their shared values.

It allows them to avoid extremes that may lead to conflicts and emotional turmoil, ensuring a supportive and nurturing environment for each member’s growth and well-being. Emphasizing moderation in family life strengthens bonds, promotes empathy, and cultivates a sustainable and loving atmosphere where everyone can thrive.

Balancing Moderation

To maintain the delicate balance of moderation in our lives, several virtues come to our aid:

      • Wisdom: Wisdom helps us discern when to embrace moderation and when to push beyond our boundaries. It guides us to make informed choices that consider our well-being and growth.
      • Courage: Courage encourages us to step out of our comfort zone when necessary, ensuring that moderation doesn’t deter us from taking calculated risks and pursuing new opportunities.
      • Compassion: Compassion reminds us to be kind and forgiving to ourselves when we occasionally falter in our pursuit of moderation. It encourages self-compassion and understanding.
      • Gratitude: Gratitude keeps us grounded in appreciation for what we have, reducing the urge to constantly seek more. It fosters contentment in the present moment.
      • Self-awareness: Self-awareness allows us to recognize our tendencies and triggers, helping us effectively navigate the fine line between moderation and excess.

Moderation is a virtuous path that empowers us to find contentment in the present while aspiring for growth.