
Integrity is standing up for what we believe is right. We keep faith with our ideals and live by our deepest values. We keep our agreements reliably. Our actions match our words. We strive to balance impeccable integrity and unfailing tenderness for others and ourselves. We cherish the challenge of doing the right thing in all circumstances. We give excellence to whatever we undertake. We live by our personal covenant.


To put the world right…we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.

— Confucius

 The Practice of Virtue

  • I live by my ideals.
  • I am faithful to the virtues of my character.
  • I am trustworthy.
  • I temper righteousness with forgiveness.
  • I strive to do the right thing.
  • I abide by my heart’s deepest promise.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

In a family, integrity can be seen through consistent honesty, trustworthiness, and moral uprightness among its members. It involves aligning one’s actions, words, and values in a harmonious and conscientious manner, even when faced with challenges or temptations to do otherwise. Integrity within a family manifests when individuals are transparent with each other, admitting their mistakes and taking responsibility for their actions.

It means keeping promises, respecting boundaries, and valuing the welfare of the family unit above personal gain. Ultimately, a family built on integrity fosters an environment of mutual respect, open communication, and a shared commitment to ethical behavior, strengthening the bonds that hold them together.

Balancing Integrity

Integrity encapsulates a steadfast commitment to upholding one’s principles and values. In the pursuit of integrity, finding equilibrium is key. Here are some balancing virtues.

      • Compassion: Compassion balances overdeveloped integrity by fostering empathy and understanding, allowing individuals to consider the perspectives and needs of others while remaining true to their principles.
      • Flexibility: Flexibility counters the rigidity of overdeveloped integrity by encouraging adaptability and openness to new ideas, enabling individuals to navigate complex situations with integrity while also embracing change.
      • Consistency: Consistency mitigates the effects of underdeveloped integrity by promoting reliability and steadfastness in upholding values and commitments, ensuring that actions consistently reflect ethical principles.
      • Humility: It helps temper the ego associated with overdeveloped integrity, encouraging individuals to recognize their fallibility and limitations and fostering a sense of humility and openness to learning from others.

By cultivating these virtues, individuals can navigate the complexities of moral decision-making with integrity, foster meaningful connections, and contribute to a more ethical and harmonious society.