
Humility is being modest, humble, and unpretentious. We consider others’ views and needs as important as our own. We willingly serve others and accept help when we need it. When we cause hurt, we have the humility to admit it and make amends. We accept the lessons life brings, knowing that mistakes are often our best teachers. Humility is not humiliation. We do not shame ourselves or others with the illusion that we are meant to be perfect. We give our very best, and trust that it is enough. Humility reminds us to be thankful for our sucesses rather than boastful.


I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble.

— Helen Keller

 The Practice of Humility

  • I value others’ thoughts and feelings.
  • I am willing to give and receive help.
  • I am a work in progress.
  • I admit mistakes and learn from them.
  • I am resilient, not perfect.
  • I am grateful for my gifts.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

Humility, a cornerstone of family life, embodies the art of fostering deep connections and harmonious relationships. By embracing humility, family members acknowledge their imperfections, nurturing an environment where empathy and understanding flourish.

By placing egos aside, they create space for open communication, active listening, and a genuine appreciation of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Humility enables parents to lead with patience, guiding their children with a gentle hand and a willingness to learn alongside them.

Siblings, in turn, discover the power of compromise and collaboration, nurturing bonds grounded in mutual respect. In the humble embrace of shared experiences and vulnerability, families cultivate an enduring sense of togetherness that weathers the trials of life with grace and unity.

Balancing Humility

To keep the virtue of humility in balance, several other virtues can be particularly helpful:

    • Courage: Courage empowers individuals to assert themselves when necessary, ensuring they don’t neglect their needs.
    • Self-Respect: A healthy sense of self-respect reminds individuals that they deserve care and consideration, too, preventing self-neglect.
    • Gratitude: Gratitude encourages individuals to acknowledge their worth and the value they bring to others, fostering a positive self-image.
    • Empathy: Empathy fosters an understanding of others’ feelings and perspectives, making it challenging to dismiss them arrogantly.
    • Accountability: Accountability for one’s actions and mistakes is essential in preventing the avoidance of responsibility that underdeveloped humility can lead to.

Humility is a powerful virtue when held in balance, but it can be problematic when taken to extremes in either direction. Embracing courage, self-respect, gratitude, empathy, and accountability can help individuals channel their humility effectively and make a positive difference in the world while staying grounded in the reality of the human experience.

Read More on balancing Humility