
Honesty is being truthful, sincere, open, and genuine. We are content and confident to be ourselves. We see ourselves and others with unclouded eyes. We do not exaggerate to impress others. We refuse to lie, cheat or take what is not ours. We strive to keep our promises. As we recognize illusions and self-deceptions, we gently let them go. We admit mistakes even when we know someone may be disappointed or angry. We heal old messages that tell us we are less than worthy. We stand strong, knowing that we have true value in being who we are.


Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself.

— William Shakespeare

 The Practice of Honesty

  • I am open and transparent.
  • I say what I mean and mean what I say.
  • I only make promises I can keep.
  • I continually seek to know the truth.
  • I have the humility to admit mistakes.
  • I am happy and content to be myself.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

Honesty within a family is exemplified through transparent and open communication, where members express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences truthfully and without deceit. It involves creating an environment where trust is paramount, allowing each individual to share triumphs and challenges without fear of judgment.

Honest families foster a culture where mistakes are acknowledged, apologies are genuine, and accountability is upheld. This virtue is demonstrated through consistent actions that align with words, ensuring promises are kept, and refraining from withholding vital information. Such families encourage children to be truthful, even when facing the consequences, and provide a safe space for discussing ethical dilemmas.

Ultimately, Honesty is the foundation for authentic connections, mutual respect, and the nurturing of solid and lasting relationships within the family unit.

Balancing Honesty

Honesty is critical for our relationships with others and ourselves. Keeping it balanced with these virtues helps to develop authentic and harmonious relationships.

      • Compassion: Compassion reminds us to consider the emotions and well-being of others when we communicate. It encourages us to speak our truth with kindness and empathy, ensuring our honesty is constructive rather than destructive.
      • Integrity: Integrity reminds us of the importance of being true to ourselves and others. It encourages us to embrace honesty to align our words and actions with our core values and principles, thus fostering trust and authenticity in our interactions.
      • Empathy: Empathy helps us understand and connect with others on a deeper level, allowing us to be honest without causing unnecessary harm.
      • Tact: Tact involves communicating honestly and respectfully, considering the timing and context of our words.
      • Forgiveness: Forgiveness allows us to heal relationships when honesty may have caused temporary discomfort or misunderstanding, promoting growth and harmony.
      • Courage: Courage empowers us to be honest and confront our inner truths, especially when facing difficult or uncomfortable situations.

Balancing honesty with these virtues allows us to embrace this virtue while fostering healthy, authentic, and harmonious relationships with others and ourselves.