
Devotion is commitment to something we care about deeply. It is a passionate focus on our life’s purpose. It is a wholehearted service to an endeavor that we love. Devotion to those we love is a promise kept in daily ways to care for one another always. Discernment is the first step in discovering what is worthy of our devotion. What is my “yes”? What calls to me so strongly that I cannot resist, knowing that it is truly mine to do? When we are devoted, we give all we have and all that we are. Devotion is our true wealth.


Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

— Jalal’u’din Rumi

 The Practice of Devotion

  • I discern the purpose to which life calls me.
  • I work from the fullness of my heart.
  • I do what I love and love what I do.
  • I keep faith with my commitments every day.
  • I say yes to my true calling.
  • I am willing to give my all to what I care about.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

There are many areas that a person can be devoted to, even inside the family setting. Using the Four C’s of Successful Families allows parents to cultivate and sustain their devotion to each other, their family, and their shared values and aspirations.

Clarity: By setting clear intentions and goals, parents can align their actions with their life’s purpose and ensure their devotion is directed towards endeavors that resonate deeply with them.

Communication: By clearly communicating their boundaries and expectations, parents can ensure their devotion to each other and their families is acknowledged, respected, and reciprocated.

Consistency:  Consistency in their devotion to family values and commitments helps parents create a stable and supportive environment where love, trust, and mutual respect flourish.

Community: Engaging with their community allows parents to model devotion to their children, demonstrate the importance of building meaningful relationships, and contribute to the well-being of others.

In Family Life

The virtue of devotion within a family is exemplified by the unwavering commitment and selflessness each member shows towards one another. It manifests through genuine care, active listening, and consistent support in good and bad times. A devoted family member prioritizes the well-being and happiness of their loved ones, willingly making sacrifices to ensure their needs are met.

This devotion is demonstrated through acts of kindness, spending quality time together, and fostering an environment of trust and open communication. Such a family embodies a deep sense of belonging, where each member feels valued and cherished, fostering an unbreakable bond that stands as a testament to the strength of their devotion.

Balancing Devotion

Devotion is a virtue that can bring immense purpose and fulfillment to our lives. Let’s look at how to find a harmonious balance in developing this virtue.

      • Self-awareness: Self-awareness allows us to discern whether our devotion is healthy or veering toward extremes. Regularly reflect on your goals and priorities to ensure they align with your true values and passions.
      • Compassion: Devotion to others should be accompanied by compassion. This virtue helps us ensure that our service and care for others are genuine and heartfelt, rather than driven by obligation or duty.
      • Flexibility: Flexibility encourages us to adapt to changing circumstances. It reminds us that our initial devotion may need adjustment to accommodate growth and new opportunities.
      • Moderation: Moderation encourages us not to overindulge in our pursuits. It reminds us that while devotion is admirable, it should not come at the cost of our physical, mental, or emotional well-being.

Balancing the virtue of devotion reminds us to allocate our time and energy wisely, ensuring that we don’t become overly obsessed with one aspect of our lives at the expense of others. Doing so can bring immense richness and meaning to our lives.