
Creativity is the power of imagination. We are open to inspiration, which ignites our originality. With creativity, we are resourceful and intuitive. We solve problems in new and surprising ways. We take time for dreaming. Discovering our own special talents is a gift to the world, whether making a meal, playing a sport, or creating a craft. Creativity connects us to beauty of sound, design, color, movement, ideas, and words, and allows us to bring something new into the world. Creativity brings our gifts to fruition.


Let us use the different gifts allotted to each of us by God’s grace.

— Romans 12:6

 The Practice of Creativity

  • I treasure my imagination.
  • I am innovative in solving problems.
  • I take time for inspiration.
  • I entertain my dreams.
  • I remember to play.
  • I develop my gifts through learning and discipline.
  • I dare to be original.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

The virtue of creativity within a family is beautifully demonstrated through a collective atmosphere of innovation and open-mindedness. It begins with encouraging each member, from the youngest to the oldest, to express themselves freely and explore their unique talents and interests. In a creative family, you’ll often find a space where artistic endeavors, such as painting, writing, or music, are not only celebrated but actively nurtured.

Moreover, problem-solving is approached with a creative mindset, fostering an environment where challenges are opportunities for imaginative solutions. Family members share and collaborate on ideas, fostering a culture of brainstorming and innovation.

Ultimately, the virtue of creativity in a family is not just about producing art but about cultivating an atmosphere that values and embraces the imaginative spirit of each member, leading to a stronger and more harmonious bond among them.

Balancing Creativity

Virtues that contribute to maintaining a harmonious balance with creativity.

      • Wisdom: Wisdom helps individuals discern when to harness their creativity and when to exercise practicality. It allows them to make informed judgments about when creativity should take the lead and when it’s necessary to follow established conventions.
      • Discipline: Discipline instills the necessary work ethic and routine to bring imagination to fruition. It ensures that creative ideas are not merely dreams but are transformed into tangible reality.
      • Open-Mindedness: Open-mindedness encourages individuals to be receptive to new ideas and different perspectives, fostering the growth of their creative thinking. It helps them break free from the shackles of routine and tradition.
      • Courage: Courage empowers individuals to take risks and step out of their comfort zones, allowing them to freely explore and express their creativity. It helps overcome the fear of failure that can stifle imaginative endeavors.
      • Patience: Patience allows individuals to persevere in their creative pursuits, understanding that great achievements often take time. It prevents frustration from stifling their imaginative endeavors

By embracing these complementary virtues, individuals can ensure that creativity remains a source of inspiration and innovation without veering to extremes. They can harness their creative power to solve problems, make meaningful contributions, and bring beauty into the world while maintaining a sense of practicality and balance.