
Compassion is deep empathy for another who is suffering or living with misfortune. It is understanding and caring, and a strong desire to ease their distress. Compassion flows freely from our hearts when we let go of judgments and seek to understand. Our compassionate presence helps people to know they are not alone. Sometimes they don’t need us to fix anything. They only need to be heard with compassion so that they can connect to their own inner wisdom. We need our own compassion as much as others do. Whether a silent prayer or a gentle touch, compassion is a priceless gift.


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

— The Dalai Lama

 The Practice of Compassion

  • I notice when someone is hurt or needs a friend.
  • I feel empathy for the pain of others.
  • I take time to reach out to those who need help.
  • I care for others by listening deeply.
  • I refrain from judging.
  • I have compassion for myself.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

Compassion in a family is like a warm and comforting embrace that fosters understanding and support among its members. It’s demonstrated through active listening, where parents genuinely tune in to their children’s thoughts and feelings without judgment. Compassion also shines when family members offer kindness and empathy during challenging times, helping each other navigate difficulties with love and patience.

It involves recognizing and respecting each individual’s unique perspective and fostering an environment where everyone’s emotions and needs are acknowledged and valued. In a compassionate family, mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, and forgiveness is readily given, promoting a sense of safety and trust that allows everyone to flourish.

Balancing Compassion

Balancing Virtues:

      • Self-Compassion: Self-compassion is vital in keeping overdeveloped compassion in check. It encourages individuals to extend the same understanding and care towards themselves that they offer to others. This virtue helps prevent burnout and ensures one’s well-being remains a priority.
      • Wisdom: Wisdom is the virtue that guides individuals in discerning when and how to offer compassion effectively. It aids in making thoughtful decisions that consider the long-term welfare of both the giver and the receiver, preventing the exhaustion that can result from overextending oneself.
      • Empathy: Empathy is the cornerstone of compassion, and cultivating empathy is essential to addressing underdeveloped compassion. It enables individuals to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering genuine connections and a deeper understanding of the suffering of others.
      • Gratitude: Gratitude serves as a counterbalance to underdeveloped compassion by reminding individuals of the kindness and support they have received from others. It encourages a mindset of reciprocity and reinforces the importance of extending compassion to those in need.

These complementary virtues work together to ensure that compassion remains a guiding light in our lives, benefiting us and the world.