
Caring is giving tender attention to the people and things that matter to us. It is being a compassionate witness, listening to another wholeheartedly and without judgment. We show that we care with thoughtful acts and kind words. When we do a careful job, we give it our best effort. We are not indifferent to things that matter. We care deeply about the principles we believe in. Caring is a sign of love. When we care for others, we notice their feelings and needs. When we care for ourselves, we have more to give to others. Caring is a gift from the heart.


One who cares. listens.

— Paul Tillich

 The Practice of Caring

  • I take an interest in others and listen deeply.
  • I look for ways to be considerate and helpful.
  • I am gentle and loving with anyone and anything placed in my care.
  • I give excellence to whatever I do.
  • I am passionate about my beliefs.
  • I take good care of myself.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

In a family, caring is a beautiful expression of love and support. It is demonstrated through tender attention to each member’s needs and emotions as compassionate witnesses to their joys and sorrows. Caring family members listen wholeheartedly, free from judgment, fostering open communication and understanding.

This virtue is exhibited through thoughtful acts of kindness as well as the use of gentle and encouraging words. Within the family, each member gives their best effort, not just in chores or tasks but also in being there emotionally and mentally. Indifference is replaced with a deep concern for one another, and strong family principles are upheld with dedication.

In essence, caring in a family is the manifestation of love, where every member takes the time to notice and respond to the feelings and needs of others, ultimately creating a warm and supportive home where everyone can thrive and grow. Remember, the gift of caring begins within oneself, as by caring for oneself, we have more love and energy to share with our beloved family members.

Balancing Caring

Caring is a precious virtue that enriches our lives and the lives of those we touch. However, like all virtues, it can be taken to extremes if not balanced with other virtues. Here are a few virtues that can complement and harmonize with caring:

      • Compassion: Compassion goes hand in hand with caring. It encourages us to empathize with others’ suffering and actively seek ways to alleviate it while respecting their boundaries.
      • Resilience: Developing resilience can prevent overextension in caring. It helps us bounce back from setbacks and maintain our own well-being, even as we care for others.
      • Wisdom: Wisdom helps us discern when and how to care. It guides us in thinking about when to offer help, how much to give, and when to step back.
      • Courage: Courage is essential to standing up for what we care about, even when facing challenges or adversity. It ensures that our care is not passive but actively contributes to positive change.
      • Self-compassion: Don’t forget to care for yourself. Self-compassion allows you to be kind and understanding toward yourself, replenishing your own well of caring so you can continue to give to others.

By incorporating qualities like compassion, resilience, wisdom, courage, and self-compassion, we can ensure that our caring remains a beautiful gift from the heart, benefiting ourselves and the world.