
Assertiveness is speaking one’s truth with peaceful confidence. It is discerning the song we were given to sing and using our talents as a gift to the world. We have the courage to speak up for what we believe is right. We tell the truth about what is just. Assertiveness comes from knowing our own worth, and honoring the dignity of who we are. We stand on our own holy ground, and set boundaries without guilt. We never beg or make demands. We ask for what we need by making simple, positive requests. We treat ourselves with respect and expect respect at all times.


Dost thou reckon thyself a puny form, when within thee the Universe is folded?

— Imam Ali

 The Practice of Assertiveness

  • I speak my truth with confidence.
  • I value the gifts I have to give.
  • I stand up for what I think is right.
  • I honor my own worth.
  • I set clear boundaries.
  • I know I am worthy of respect.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In the Family

Assertiveness in a family is demonstrated through open and honest communication that balances the needs and feelings of all family members. It involves expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions respectfully and confidently while actively listening to others. A family member who practices assertiveness communicates their boundaries and preferences without being aggressive or passive.

They can address conflicts and concerns constructively, seeking resolutions that consider everyone’s well-being. In an assertive family environment, individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment, and mutual understanding and compromise are fostered, leading to healthier relationships and a more harmonious atmosphere overall.

Balancing Assertiveness

Assertiveness is the harmonious balance between self-expression and respect for others. Here are some virtues to keep it balanced.

      • Humility: Humility encourages individuals to openly acknowledge their imperfections and listen to others. It’s the antidote to an inflated ego.
      • Empathy: Cultivating empathy allows people to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, promoting understanding and compassion.
      • Flexibility: The ability to adapt and compromise helps loosen rigid boundaries, allowing for cooperation and harmonious relationships.
      • Patience: Patience teaches us to pause before responding, fostering a more measured and considerate approach.
      • Confidence: Building self-confidence enables them to speak their truth with conviction and self-assurance.
      • Courage: Courage encourages them to face their fears and step out of their comfort zones, knowing their voice matters.
      • Self-Respect: They can establish and uphold the boundaries necessary for healthy relationships by honoring their own worth.

Assertiveness resonates within us when we speak our truth with peaceful confidence while honoring the dignity of those around us. In this balance, assertiveness becomes a virtuous melody that enriches our lives and the lives of others.