
Thoughtfulness is kindness guided by empathy. It is carefully considering a course of action with discernment and honesty. It is giving importance to other people’s needs. We think about them, observe what they need and offer our help. We pay careful attention to their likes and dislikes and do things that give them happiness. We carefully consider how our actions will affect them. Thoughtfulness helps us to move beyond self-centeredness to become true companions. Little gifts of thoughtfulness can brighten someone’s day. Lifelong thoughtfulness illumines our relationships with abiding joy and trust.


Let them at all times concern themselves with doing a kindly thing for one of their fellows, offering to someone love, consideration, thoughtful help.

— ‘Abdul’l-Baha

 The Practice of Thoughtfulness

  • I care about other people’s needs and feelings.
  • I am discerning in my decisions. I am observant and considerate.
  • I give tender attention.
  • I do little things that brings others happiness.
  • I am a caring companion.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

In a family, thoughtfulness is exemplified through considerate and empathetic actions and communication. It means actively taking into account each family member’s feelings, needs, and perspectives. It’s demonstrated by showing genuine interest in one another’s well-being, listening, understanding, and endeavoring to accommodate and support each other’s goals and aspirations. Thoughtfulness also involves:

  • Recognizing and respecting boundaries.
  • Resolving conflicts with patience and empathy.
  • Consistently expressing love and appreciation.

In a thoughtful family, every member feels valued, heard, and understood, fostering a harmonious and nurturing environment where mutual care and compassion flourish.

Balancing Thoughtfulness

Thoughtfulness is a radiant act that brightens the lives of those we touch and, when in balance, helps create better relationships.

      • Wisdom: Wisdom acts as a guiding light to thoughtfulness. It helps us discern when and how to be thoughtful, ensuring our consideration for others is applied with prudence and foresight.
      • Courage: Courage bolsters thoughtfulness by encouraging us to honestly express our concerns and boundaries. It prevents overdeveloped thoughtfulness from turning into self-sacrifice and enables us to stand up for our needs when necessary.
      • Empathy: Empathy is the essence of thoughtfulness It deepens our connection with others, ensuring our kindness and consideration are genuine and heartfelt.
      • Balance: The virtue of balance itself is crucial in maintaining thoughtfulness. It reminds us that a harmonious life involves considering both our needs and the needs of others, preventing us from straying into extremes.

Thoughtfulness shines as a symbol of empathy and kindness. Finding the equilibrium between thoughtfulness and its balancing virtues of wisdom, courage, empathy, and balance allows us to have more meaningful connections with those around us.