


Dignity is a sense of worthiness and respect. It comes from remembering who we truly are and our purpose for being. When mindful of our dignity, we hold ourselves with self-esteem, respect, and confidence. We move and speak gracefully. We avoid actions that cause us to feel ashamed. We recognize the inherent worth of each person, whether or not they see it for themselves. We treat everyone with the respect and honor all beings deserve. We refuse to violate anyone’s rights. When we value each other, we honor our Creator.


It was you who created my inmost self, And put me together in my mother’s womb; For all these mysteries, I thank you: for the wonder of myself, for the wonder of your works.

— Psalms 129:13-14

 The Practice of Dignity

  • I know my own worth.
  • I carry myself with respect.
  • I keep myself free of shame.
  • I value all people.
  • I avoid mistreating others.
  • I act honorably.
  • I honor everyone’s rights.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

A family’s dignity is demonstrated through a profound respect for each member’s inherent worth and individuality. It manifests in how family members communicate with kindness and empathy, honoring one another’s feelings, opinions, and boundaries. Dignity in a family means creating an environment where everyone feels safe and valued, free from judgment or humiliation. It involves celebrating each person’s achievements and supporting them through challenges, fostering a sense of self-worth and belonging. Ultimately, dignity in a family is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, promoting understanding, trust, and a deep sense of unity among its members.

Balancing Dignity

Dignity is the embodiment of self-worth, respect, and grace. When out of balance, it may appear to be self-absorbed or a form of self-doubt. Here are some virtues that help balance the virtue of dignity.

Humility: Humility reminds us that we are all imperfect, and acknowledging our own flaws can help us relate to others with genuine empathy and understanding. Embracing humility allows us to maintain our dignity without alienating those around us.

Respect: Self-respect reminds us that we are inherently valuable and deserve fair treatment. It empowers us to assert ourselves when necessary, confidently speak our truths, and establish healthy boundaries.

Compassion: Compassion allows us to recognize the worthiness in others, even when their actions may not align with our ideals. It encourages us to extend understanding and kindness to those who may struggle with their own sense of dignity, whether overly dignified or underdeveloped.

Dignity, when held in balance, becomes a powerful force for fostering meaningful connections, respecting individual rights, and honoring the inherent worth of every person. When cultivated mindfully, it is a virtue that uplifts both ourselves and those around us, embodying the essence of our true purpose for being.