
Commitment is caring deeply about a person, a goal, or a belief. Once we discern a direction, we go for it wholeheartedly. We don’t hold back, second-guess our decision or hesitate to act on it fully. We set goals and achieve them. We make promises and keep them. We go the extra mile. We are faithful to our relationships and don’t allow problems to make us waver. Keeping our commitments strengthens our inner integrity. It deepens our capacity to carry responsibility with grace.


Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness…the moment one commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 The Practice of Commitment

  • I am discerning about my decisions.
  • I give 100% to whatever I do.
  • I am confident in my choices.
  • I keep my agreements.
  • I am loyal to those I care about.
  • I have the strength to go the distance.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

The virtue of commitment within a family is akin to the sturdy roots of a tree, anchoring each member through life’s challenges and joys. It is showcased through unwavering support during both triumphs and tribulations, a steadfast dedication to one another’s well-being, and a shared sense of responsibility for the family’s collective happiness.

Commitment means prioritizing family bonds, nurturing open communication, and making sacrifices when necessary, all while fostering an environment of love and understanding. In essence, commitment in a family is a pledge of enduring loyalty and a testament to the enduring strength of familial ties, reminding us that, together, we can weather any storm and celebrate every success that life unfolds before us.

Balancing Virtues:

      • Discernment: By honing discernment, individuals can balance commitment and flexibility, allowing them to evaluate their pursuits and relationships thoughtfully. Discernment enables one to align commitments with genuine passions and values, fostering a sense of purposeful dedication.
      • Flexibility: Cultivating flexibility nurtures resilience and adaptability, tempering commitment with an openness to change and new perspectives. It encourages individuals to adjust their course when necessary while remaining steadfast in their values and principles.
      • Balance: Finding balance in commitments involves prioritizing various aspects of life and maintaining harmony between personal, professional, and relational spheres. Balancing commitments ensures that energy and resources are distributed effectively, preventing burnout and fostering holistic well-being.

While commitment is cherished for fostering integrity and responsibility, it must be tempered with discernment, flexibility, and balance. By cultivating these complementary virtues, individuals can navigate life’s complexities with grace and authenticity, honoring their commitments while remaining open to growth and evolution.