
Charity is a giving heart, a generous way of viewing others and caring for their needs. Unless we are charitable, no matter how much excellence we acquire, it is without purpose. Charity springs from compassion for the suffering of others, even those we don’t know. Charity moves us, and we respond to their needs, giving help and kindness. We make a genuine difference in their lives. When we are charitable, we don’t judge others. We give them the benefit of the doubt. Charity is caring made manifest. It begins with those closest to us and includes ourselves. Charity creates a circle of love.


And now abideth faith, hope, and charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

— 1 Corinthians 13: 4 Holy Bible

 The Practice of Charity

  • I feel compassion for the suffering of others.
  • I share what I love.
  • I give generously.
  • I withhold judgments.
  • I give others room for mistakes.
  • When I see need, I take action to help.
Definitions and practices of virtue are used with permission from the Virtues Project™.

In Family Life

The virtue of charity within a family manifests as a profound and selfless love that transcends the boundaries of blood and kinship. It is demonstrated through acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity, where family members prioritize each other’s well-being. It’s seen in the willingness to lend a listening ear during times of hardship, offering a helping hand without expecting anything in return, and fostering an environment of understanding and forgiveness.

In a charitable family, love is not just a sentiment but a tangible force that binds them together, enabling them to weather life’s challenges with unwavering support and a shared sense of purpose, making their bonds unbreakable and their home a sanctuary of warmth and empathy.

Balancing Charity

While charity is a beautiful and essential virtue, it must be cultivated in balance with other virtues to ensure its effectiveness and prevent overdevelopment or underdevelopment.

      • Wisdom: Wisdom helps us discern when and how to extend charity. It guides us to make thoughtful decisions about how to help others without harming ourselves or enabling negative behaviors.
      • Self-Compassion: Just as charity begins with those closest to us, self-compassion is crucial. It also prevents the overextension of charity by reminding us to care for ourselves. Balancing charity with self-compassion ensures that we have the capacity to continue helping others.
      • Justice: Justice ensures that our charitable actions are fair and equitable. It encourages us to address the root causes of suffering and work towards systemic change rather than merely providing temporary relief.
      • Courage: Sometimes, being charitable requires courage to stand up for what is right, even in adversity. Courage ensures that our acts of charity are not merely superficial but meaningful and impactful.

By embracing wisdom, self-compassion, justice, and courage alongside charity, we can create a harmonious and compassionate world where the circle of love continues to grow and flourish.